Kondisioner Udara
Pompa Panas
Chiller Banyu Sumber Udara
Aksesoris Pompa Panas

Kekuwatan Perusahaan


Pengalaman Manufaktur HVAC


Mitra Bisnis Jangka Panjang


Proyek Teknik sing sukses


Kapasitas Tahunan Pompa Panas Komersial


Kapasitas taunan AC

Solusi Ngirit Energi

Mitra Bisnis

Babagan awake dhewe

Blueway with a wide range of products, including Air Conditioning, Air Cooled Water Chiller, Inverter Air to Water Heat Pump,EVI Inverter Room Heating & Cooling Heat Pump, Geothermal Water to Water Heat Pump, Heat Pump Dehumidifier, High Temperature Hot Water Heater, Swimming Pool Heat Pump, etc. Utilizing the manufacturing and R&D advantages, it has become one of the leading HVAC manufacturers in China and earned a worldwide reputation in the field of liquid heating and cooling systems through about 30 years experience in this industry. Around 70% of Blueway products have been exported to oversea markets, including Europe, Middle East, South America, etc. maca liyane


Kirim Pitakonan

Kanggo pitakon babagan produk kayata Air Conditioner, Air Cooled Water Chiller, Air to Water Inverter Heat Pump, EVI DC Inverter Room Heating Cooling Heat Pump, Swimming Pool Heat Pump.
Yen ana solusi hemat energi utawa dhaptar rega sing dibutuhake, mangga tinggalake email lan nomer telpon, banjur kita bakal hubungi ing 24 jam, utawa langsung nambah wechat / whatsapp (+86-18934310313) kanggo komunikasi sing trep.

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